Sunday, March 22, 2015

Potty training!

No not Dallas, but Dylan.  We have been practicing EC for a little over a year with Dylan on a part-time basis.  That means while we still use diapers, Dylan has been offered the potty during diaper changes, upon waking, and before baths since he was 8 months old. He loved having the opportunity to eliminate somewhere other than in his diaper and after consistent offering I would often find his diaper would stay dry all day.  That leads us to now.  I have decided that at 22 months old, Dylan is ready to ditch the diapers, so that has been our main focus and it's going very well.  There are occasionally some accidents, but overall I would say it's going great!  He is fully aware of his need to eliminate and will notify me if he has the urge to go.  If we are at home I simply tell him to go ahead, he knows where the potty is, and he does it himself.  Talk about a feeling of accomplishment and he feels so proud of himself. Toddlers control so little in their world, being in control of one's own bodily functions is a basic human necessity and gives them such a confidence boost.
To learn more about EC and Non-coercive Potty Learning please follow the link to purchase a copy of Andrea's book click here.  It is full of wisdom and common sense that sometimes isn't so common. All babies are born with the innate instinct not to soil themselves, their bed or their caregiver, why train them to use diapers just to untrain them later on?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend 2012

Had a great Memorial Day weekend with Dallas at my brother's house on Little Island Pond in Pelham.  My brother's dock is perfect for jumping off.  Maybe next time we will try out the paddle boat!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Adaptive Intelligence: the ability of a canine to learn to do for him/herself, by learning and benefiting from experiences in his or her enviornment and solving new problems within it.

Arrived home a little late the other night to find Dallas trying to open up the doggy gate herself,  hinting to me ever so subtly that it was past her bedtime, and she wanted to go!  She's so smart it scares me, thank goodness she doesn't have thumbs or we'd be in big trouble.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I can't believe I'm sitting in the theater at Berklee College waiting to see my niece sing in the finals for Community Auditions as it is taped for television.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

shuffled the playlist for my Zumba class tonight and it worked like a charm....everyone left dripping sweat :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another kick butt Zumba class, had some new faces People are getting a head start on their resolutions!
I am an object in motion....